- /**
- 桌面虎鲸
- Author: hai321
- 参考资料:
- [源码分享] HTMLayout 使用APNG制作桌面透明动画窗口
- http://bbs.aardio.com/thread-7922-1-1.html
- **/
- import win.ui;
- import winex;
- /*DSG{{*/
- winform = ..win.form( text="虎鲸";bottom=170;parent=...;right=297;border="none";topmost=1;exmode="toolwindow";mode="popup";cls="hujing" )
- winform.add( )
- /*}}*/
- //启用分层窗口以支持桌面透明
- winform.transparent(true);
- import web.layout;
- wbLayout = web.layout(winform);
- wbLayout.html =/***
- <div id="myTab"><img src="/res/daddy-left.png"/></div>
- <menu.context id="menuId">
- <li>桌面图标
- <menu>
- <li id="i1">隐藏图标</li>
- <li id="i2">显示图标</li>
- </menu>
- </li>
- <li>选择鲸鱼
- <menu>
- <li id="i5">鲸鱼爸爸</li>
- <li id="i6">鲸鱼妈妈</li>
- <li id="i6">鲸鱼宝宝</li>
- </menu>
- </li>
- <li id="i7">关于虎鲸</li>
- <li id="i8">退出</li>
- </menu>
- ***/
- wbLayout.css = /**
- html {
- background-color:transparent; /*网页背景透明*/
- context-menu:selector(menu#menuId);
- }
- menu{
- width: max-intrinsic; /*内容的最大宽度,可以超出屏幕*/
- background: url(/res/menu-back-office.png) expand;
- background-position: 0 0 0 24;
- text-align:left;
- }
- **/
- //修改节点代码
- xghtml=function(){
- if( thread.get("我是") = "爸爸"){
- var myTab = wbLayout.getEle("myTab")//获取节点
- if(myTab){
- if(向左游动 = false){
- myTab.child(1).innerHTML = '<img src="/res/daddy-right.png" />'
- }else {
- myTab.child(1).innerHTML = '<img src="/res/daddy-left.png" />'
- }
- }
- }
- elseif( thread.get("我是") = "妈妈"){
- var myTab = wbLayout.getEle("myTab")//获取节点
- if(myTab){
- if(向左游动 = false){
- myTab.child(1).innerHTML = '<img src="/res/mummy-right.png" />'
- }else {
- myTab.child(1).innerHTML = '<img src="/res/mummy-left.png" />'
- }
- }
- }
- elseif( thread.get("我是") = "宝宝"){
- var myTab = wbLayout.getEle("myTab")//获取节点
- if(myTab){
- if(向左游动 = false){
- myTab.child(1).innerHTML = '<img src="/res/son-right.png" />'
- }else {
- myTab.child(1).innerHTML = '<img src="/res/son-left.png" />'
- }
- }
- }
- 是否游动 = true;
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,15);//修改定时器
- }
- wbLayout.documentElement.attachEventHandler(
- //鼠标按下拖动触发下面的函数
- onMouseMove = function (ltTarget,ltEle,x,y,ltMouseParams) {
- if( ltMouseParams.button_state == 1/*_HL_MAIN_MOUSE_BUTTON*/ ){
- 是否游动 = false;
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,5000)
- var wx,wy = winform.getPos();
- wx = wx + (x - winform.downPos.x)
- wy = wy + (y - winform.downPos.y)
- ltTarget.getForm().setPos( wx,wy)
- return true;
- }
- }
- //鼠标按下触发下面的函数
- onMouseDown = function (ltTarget,ltEle,x,y,ltMouseParams) {
- if( ltMouseParams.button_state == 1/*_HL_MAIN_MOUSE_BUTTON*/ ){
- 是否游动 = false
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,1000000) //定时器暂停3秒等待退出等命令
- winform.capture = true;
- winform.downPos = { x = x ;y = y}
- }
- elseif(ltMouseParams.button_state==2){
- 是否游动 = false
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,1000000) //定时器暂停3秒等待退出等命令
- winform.capture = true;
- winform.downPos = { x = x ;y = y}
- }
- }
- //鼠标弹起触发下面的函数
- onMouseUp = function (ltTarget,ltEle,x,y,ltMouseParams) {
- if( ltMouseParams.button_state == 1/*_HL_MAIN_MOUSE_BUTTON*/ ){
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,15);//修改定时器
- 是否游动 = true;
- }
- }
- )
- //桌面句柄
- var hDskManager,hShellView = winex.findExists("",,"<Progman>|<WorkerW>","SHELLDLL_DefView")
- //右键菜单触发下面的函数
- wbLayout.onMenuItemClick = function (ltTarget,ltEle,reason,behaviorParams) {
- 是否游动 = false;
- if( ltTarget.innerText == "退出" ){
- if(hShellView)win.show(hShellView,true);//退出前显示桌面图标
- winform.close();
- }
- elseif(ltTarget.innerText == "隐藏图标"){
- win.show(hShellView,false);//隐藏桌面图标
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,15);//修改定时器
- 是否游动 = true;
- }
- elseif(ltTarget.innerText == "显示图标"){
- win.show(hShellView,true);//显示桌面图标
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,15);//修改定时器
- 是否游动 = true;
- }
- elseif( ltTarget.innerText == "鲸鱼爸爸" ){
- thread.set("我是","爸爸" )
- xghtml();//修改代码
- }
- elseif( ltTarget.innerText == "鲸鱼妈妈" ){
- thread.set("我是","妈妈" )
- xghtml();//修改代码
- }
- elseif( ltTarget.innerText == "鲸鱼宝宝" ){
- thread.set("我是","宝宝" )
- xghtml();//修改代码
- }
- elseif( ltTarget.innerText == "关于虎鲸" ){
- import process
- process.execute("http://baike.baidu.com/view/9005.htm")
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,15);//修改定时器
- 是否游动 = true;
- }
- }
- //默认设置
- 横位置,纵位置 = win.getScreen();//取系统分辨率
- var hwnd = winform.hwnd;
- win.setPos(hwnd,横位置-200,200);//起始位置
- winform.show();
- math.randomize()
- num = 1;
- r = 0;
- thread.set("我是","爸爸" )
- 向左游动 = true; //向左移动
- 是否游动 = true; //开始时游动
- //随机向上向下平行游动
- randmove=function(tmid,xnum){
- if(num>200 and cy<纵位置 and cy>0 ){//在屏幕内游动200次后,随机改变方向
- r = math.random(-1,1);
- num = 1;
- }
- elseif(cy>纵位置+20){//游动超出屏幕下方时改为向上游动
- r=-1
- }
- elseif(cy<-20){//游动超出屏幕上方时改为向下游动
- r=1
- }
- num =num+ 1;
- if(r=0){//直线游动时减慢速度
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,25)
- }
- else{//加快速度
- winform.changeInterval(tmid,15)
- }
- win.setPos(hwnd,cx+xnum,cy+r)
- }
- //向左移动
- left=function(tmid){
- cx,cy = win.getPos(hwnd,true)
- if(cx>-240){//未超出屏幕左边时,随机游动
- xnum=-1
- randmove(tmid,xnum)//随机游动
- }
- else {
- 向左游动 = false;;//调用向右移动;
- xghtml();//修改代码
- }
- }
- //向右移动
- right=function(tmid){
- cx,cy = win.getPos(hwnd,true)
- if(cx<横位置){//未超出屏幕右边时,随机游动
- xnum=1
- randmove(tmid2,xnum);//随机游动
- }
- else {
- 向左游动 = true; ;//向左移动
- xghtml();//修改代码
- }
- }
- //定时器控制游动
- tmid = winform.setInterval(
- 15/*毫秒*/,
- function(hwnd,msg,id,tick){
- if(是否游动 = true){
- if(向左游动 = true){
- left(tmid)
- }
- else {
- right(tmid)
- }
- }
- }
- );
- win.loopMessage();
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